Healthy Eating


Featured Information

Eggs in a cast iron skillet

Real Food

The Real Food program is based on the Social Cognitive Theory. It includes hands-on cooking and interactive discussion through five 2-hour lessons. UW Extension is here to help!  

Teton Mountains

Wyoming Altitude Chart

Are you a new cook or a newcomer to the high-altitude areas of Wyoming? Wonder why your cakes continually fall or your favorite cookie recipe just doesn’t taste right? Our publications and altitude chart can help!

Handy Handouts for Healthy Living

High Fiber Breakfast
Weight Loss for Seniors
Key Nutrients as You Age

Appetite for Knowledge


How to Cook Asparagus

Did you know that asparagus is a fat-free, low-sodium vegetable that provides lots of nutrients and only has three calories per spear?

Man and women preparing food in kitchen

Improve Your Cooking Efficiency

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had food prepared before you got home from work or if a few steps were completed in the dinner-making process?

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Extension Educator:
Vicki Hayman – (307) 746-3531

University of Wyoming Extension

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