Active Living


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Appetite for Knowledge

Winter Illness Prevention

Colds, flus, and other respiratory illnesses are often more common in colder months. Since people are indoors more often, viruses can pass more easily from person to person.

Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Have you ever heard the phrase “a new year, a new you”? Reflect on your strengths and look at areas you can grow to be a better, healthier version of yourself.

Super Sandwiches

In a plan and prep world, sandwiches do not come to mind, but you can make sandwiches ahead of time and freeze them, making school lunch packing a breeze.

two individuals running outside

Do Your Part, Care for Your Heart

Every 36 seconds one person dies from cardiovascular disease in the United States, which is approximately 655,000 Americans dying from heart disease each year.

Blood Pressure Cuff

Hypertension: The Silent Killer

Did you know that most people with high blood pressure don’t have any signs or symptoms even when readings reach dangerously high levels?

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Extension Educator:

Joddee Jacobsen, Program Leader

Community Vitality & Health
Extension Educator

(307) 235-9400

University of Wyoming Extension

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