Active Living


Featured Information

FitX logo above fruits and vegetables


FitEx is an 8-week online program that promotes physical activity and fruit & vegetable consumption. Participants form teams, set goals, track progress online, and compete

Orange tennis shoes and green drink

Eating on the Run

Use MyPlate to guide food choices   During Activity: hydrate, keep foods light Drink to replace losses—your thirst is a pretty good guide Sports drinks

Man riding bike

Why Put Off Feeling Better?

March is National Nutrition Month and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) only 1 in 4 United States adults meet the recommended physical activity guidelines.

Appetite for Knowledge

Women running

Eating for Endurance Sports

Whether your favorite activity is running, cross-country skiing, or another endurance sport, there are lots of factors that go into performing your best.

Older individuals sitting watching TV

Move More…Sit Less

Move More…Sit Less is about being physically active and not sitting for long periods of time at work, during leisure time, and when you are traveling from one place to another.

Girl walking on road

Begin A Fitness Walking Program

Can you really walk your way to fitness? You bet! For most people, walking is a safe, easy, and a no-cost way to be fit. Ready to reap the benefits of walking?

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Extension Educator:
Vicki Hayman – (307) 746-3531

University of Wyoming Extension

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