Get Your Canner’s Dial Gauge Tested Annually! The USDA recommends dial gauges on pressure canners be tested annually. Have your dial gauge tested for free to make sure it is operating properly by calling your local Wyoming Extension office to set up an appointment.
Start Planning For Home Canning More people in more communities are enjoying the fun, taste, and value of home canning.
Canning Tomatoes and Salsa Safely All researched-based recipes for canning tomatoes and salsa require the addition of an acid, such as lemon juice, for safety.
Fruit Preservation Without Sugar Recipes for canning fruit usually call for adding sugar or sugar syrup. However, all fruits can safely be canned or frozen without sugar.
Pickled The best reason for pickling at this time of year is the abundance of fresh vegetables and fruit. The fresher the produce, the better the final product.