Consumer Food Safety Learn more about the“Let’s Talk Turkey Quick Course” and Chronic Wasting Disease.
Food Storage Storing Fresh Produce The flavors of fruits and vegetables and their nutrient value are best preserved through proper storage. In general, this requires cool to
Quantity Food Preparation Cooking for Groups: A Volunteer’s Guide to Food Safety– USDA 7 Food Safety Steps for Successful Community Meals – USDA
Unsafe Home Canning Practices Some things are great to pass down through the generations. Grandma’s county fair purple ribbon apple pie filling recipe is something to cherish.
Cooking Today’s Pork One of the most common misconceptions about pork is that it needs to be cooked well-done. For many decades, it was common practice to cook pork to a minimum internal temperature of 160°F.
Optimize Your Gas Grilling There’s nothing quite like cooking food over an open flame! The techniques are simple, cleanup is easy, and grilled food tastes amazing.
Keep Cutting Boards Clean It’s not just your hands that need washing before, during and after food preparation. Anything that touches your food can be a source of contamination and foodborne illness.
Kombucha! Once reserved for small-batch do-it-yourself home-fermenters is now regularly found in farmers markets, health food stores, and even many mainstream supermarkets and gas stations across Wyoming.
Produce Safety Sliced melon is no stranger to foodborne illness! It’s considered a potentially hazardous food, meaning a food that has the ability for bacteria to grow and thrive.