Vicki's Voice


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The Taste Of Wild Game

With its rich, intense flavor and high nutritional value, cooking wild game meat is an enjoyable way to expand your culinary horizons. Use these cooking tips and food safety rules.

Podcast Transcript

Know Your Limes

Have you ever tried grilling fruits and vegetables? A wide array of produce paired with sauces, spice rubs, and marinades will overflow your table with delicious additions to your grilling repertoire.

Podcast Transcript

Try Grilled Summer Produce

Have you ever tried grilling fruits and vegetables? A wide array of produce paired with sauces, spice rubs, and marinades will overflow your table with delicious additions to your grilling repertoire.

Podcast Transcript


People use caraway seeds and other parts of the caraway plant in various ways. The flavor of anise (licorice) is the dominant one, with hints of pepper and citrus contributing warmth and brightness.

Podcast Transcript

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Extension Educator:

Joddee Jacobsen, Program Leader

Community Vitality & Health
Extension Educator

(307) 235-9400

University of Wyoming Extension

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