Estate Planning: Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions


People talk about making an “estate plan,” – but what does an estate plan cover and how do you to make one? We’ve collected a wealth of insight on the most important estate planning issues and put them into a series of bulletins. The Planning Ahead, Difficult Decisions series had direct information relevant to Wyoming. And check out Passing It On. This collection takes our insights from offering mediations and facilitations as well as estate planning and combined them to help people (especially people with rural assets like farms and ranches) move their estate plans forward.

Introduction to Estate Planning

Addresses nine important questions about the Wyoming estate planning process and why you should consider them now.
Publication #: B-1250.1

Estate Planning Checklist

Information to Assemble Before Consulting Your Attorney
Includes a point-by-point list of information to gather before visiting with your attorney about your estate plan.
Publication #: B-1250.2

After a Death

What Steps are Needed?
Covers the important things that must be done to meet Wyoming’s legal requirements to finalize an estate after a person passes away.
Publication #: B-1250.3

Wyoming Wills

Some Suggestions for getting the Most from Estate Planning
Provides a broad overview of how wills operate and offers ideas for taking full advantage of them under Wyoming law.
Publication #: B-1250.4.

Death Certificates

Explains the need for a death certificate upon a person’s passing and the multiple reasons and situations for which it might be required.
Publication #: B-1250.5

A Walk-Through Probate

Provides a basic understanding of, and steps in, the probate process.
Publication #: B-1250.6


Answers the question: How do you purposely remove or leave someone out of inheriting from your estate?
Publication #: B-1250.7

The Personal Property Memorandum

Explains the Wyoming law that allows the use of a document separate from the will to pass on items of personal value and meaning, such as jewelry, precious metals, artwork, firearms, and antiques.
Publication #: B-1250.8

Guardianships and Conservatorships

Covers one of the most important issues in estate planning, the determination of how your children and other charges should be taken care of if you pass away and who should have that responsibility.
Publication #: B-1250.9

Advance Health Care Directives

Provides direction concerning your health-care preferences and when certain health-care procedures should or should not be used.
Publication #: B-1250.10

Durable Power of Attorney

Helps answer two important questions: 1) If you are unconscious or too ill to make legal decisions, who will take care of your affairs? 2) What authority will they have?
Publication #: B-1250.11

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Joddee Jacobsen, Program Leader

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University of Wyoming Extension

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Issued in furtherance of extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mandy Marney, Director, University of Wyoming Extension, College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming Extension, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071.

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