What is Tapioca, Anyway? November 23, 2021 Tapioca is a gluten-free starch that is made from cassava root. Tapioca is sold in pearl, flake, and powder form. It has countless uses for baking and cooking. Podcast Transcript
Oodles of Asian Noodles November 23, 2021 The world of Asian noodles is substantial. Asian noodles are available in many styles, forms, colors with different flavors and textures. Podcast Transcript
Traditional Pound Cake November 23, 2021 The traditional recipes for pound cake call for only equal parts of one pound each of butter, eggs, sugar, and flour.Each ingredient having equal parts of one pound each is where the name “pound cake” is derived. Podcast Transcript
Chocolate Covered Nut Day November 23, 2021 February 25 is National Chocolate Covered Nut Day. The possible combinations of types of nuts covered by various types of chocolate are endless. When choosing which nuts and chocolates to pair, complementary flavors should be selected. Podcast Transcript
A Peach Is Just a Peach Or Is It? November 23, 2021 A sweet and fragrant peach is one of the joys of summer! There are hundreds of varieties of peaches. They are grouped into two categories that include freestones and clingstones. Podcast Transcript
Crab Stuffed Flounder November 23, 2021 February 18 is celebrated as National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day. When stuffed with rich, delicious crabmeat, fish becomes an elegant feast. Podcast Transcript