Appetite for Knowledge


Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Have you ever heard the phrase “a new year, a new you”? Reflect on your strengths and look at areas you can grow to be a better, healthier version of yourself.

Wellness incorporates many dimensions of health, each contributing to a person’s overall well-being. People often think about wellness in terms of physical health, but wellness is a multi-dimensional and holistic integration of body, mind, and spirit.


The Eight Dimensions of Wellness is currently the most recognized and used model that addresses total wellness. It was created by Dr. Peggy Swarbrick in 2006. To best optimize wellness and happiness, the eight dimensions of wellness you should focus on are Emotional, Physical, Social, Financial, Occupational, Environmental, Intellectual, and Spiritual. These components of wellness overlap and have a direct influence on each other and our health. Each of these wellness dimensions needs attention. Ignoring a problem in one area may lead to problems in another. Instead of trying to balance all eight simultaneously, find personal harmony by focusing on the areas needing the most attention.


Once you have determined the areas of wellness that need attention, focus on only one or two healthy habits to implement. Remember, it’s not about doing everything all at once, but slowly incorporating healthier habits into our daily lives. Start with only one or two habits to set yourself up for greater success. As these habits get easier, continue to add in new habits over time.


When we’re trying to get through a tough time – whether it is stress, an illness, trauma, or an emotional challenge – balance is especially important. In these times, our habits and routines can help us get that feeling of control back. This means focusing on ourselves and the roles we play in the lives of others. What’s important is finding the right balance for yourself, where you are able to function at your best.


The University of Wyoming is dedicated to helping you find your path to wellness. Each dimension is briefly discussed to help you better understand why each plays such an intricate role in your well-being. Consider integrating these healthy habits from the Eight Dimensions of Wellness into your routine.

Emotional – Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. Emotional wellness involves being hopeful about the future and exhibiting resilience when challenges arise. It includes expressing feelings, dealing with emotional challenges, coping with life’s stresses, and enjoying life.

Physical – Recognizing the need for physical activity, sleep, and nutrition. Physical wellness encompasses your perceptions of being physically healthy. It includes properly caring for the body to maintain optimal health and function. It is attained through exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, and paying attention to the signs of illness.

Financial – Satisfaction with current and future financial situations and goals. Financial wellness includes work that provides a means to live, debt reduction or avoiding unnecessary debt, savings for emergencies, retirement and investments, and financial literacy.

Social – Having a sense of connection and a dependable support system. Have healthy relationships with friends, family, and the community. In addition, this includes caring for others.

Occupational – Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work. Occupational wellness is finding a balance between work and leisure that’s healthy, satisfying, and financially rewarding.

Environmental – Good health through pleasant environments that support well-being. Environmental well-being promotes interaction with nature and your environment.

Intellectual – Identifying creative abilities and expanding knowledge and skills. Seeking challenges and learning new things is part of lifelong learning.

Spiritual – Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life. Spiritually healthy people participate in activities consistent with one’s beliefs and values.

Creating balance in our lives is an important part of wellness. Take time this month to focus on some of these eight dimensions of wellness and move towards a healthier you!


Written by Vicki Hayman, MS, University of Wyoming Extension Community Vitality & Health Educator


  • Rutgers-New Brunswick Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies;
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration;



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Extension Educator:

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Issued in furtherance of extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mandy Marney, Director, University of Wyoming Extension, College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming Extension, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071.

The University of Wyoming is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.