Welcome to UW Community Vitality
and Health


Seasonal Featured Information

March into springtime

Corned Beef

Cook a Corned Beef Dinner

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year, why not cook a Corned Beef dinner?  Cooking corned beef is as easy as boiling water and that’s no blarney! 

Food Connects Us

The path to wellness often begins at our plates. National Nutrition Month® is a testament to the profound impact of making informed food choices and developing sound eating habits.

halibut fillet laying on a cutting board

On The Hook With Fish

Cooked to perfection, fish is moist, tender, and has a delicate flavor. Cooking fish is not difficult if you know some basics.

Seasonal Produce!

This month we are featuring kale, kohlrabi, spinach, and swiss chard! So much great produce … so many good recipes … let’s get cooking!

Egg-cellent Eggs!

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Do you love podcasts? You have come to the right place! Vicki’s Voice takes you on a journey to discover the best tips and tricks.

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For more information, contact a University of Wyoming Community Vitality & Health Educator at nfs@uwyo.edu.

Appetite for Knowledge - Read!

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Contact Our Expert!

Email: cvh@uwyo.edu

Extension Educator:

Joddee Jacobsen, Program Leader

Community Vitality & Health
Extension Educator

(307) 235-9400

University of Wyoming Extension

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