Welcome to UW Nutrition and
Food Safety


Seasonal Featured Information

Joyous july

Farmer's Market sign and produce

Farmer’s Market Food Safety Tips

Shopping at the farmers market not only offers some of the freshest fruits, vegetables and other foods you can find, it also offers the opportunity to buy locally and connect with your community.

Picnic Planning

The cool thing about having a picnic meal is that it can happen in almost any outdoor scenario. There is something special about enjoying a meal outdoors on a nice day.

Seasonal Produce!

This month we are featuring eggplant, okra, strawberries, and summer squash! So much great produce … so many good recipes … let’s get cooking!

Wild for Watermelon

What would summer be without juicy, sweet watermelon? For a long time, watermelon has been taken for granted as a sweet, tasty summertime fruit made of sugar and water and nothing more.

Delicious Dandelion

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For more information, contact a University of Wyoming Nutrition and Food Safety Educator at nfs@uwyo.edu or Ask an Expert.

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Email: nfs@uwyo.edu

Extension Educator:
Vicki Hayman – (307) 746-3531

University of Wyoming Extension

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