Agriculture and Natural Resources

Regenerative Grazing


June 14-15, 2022

Hyattville and Ten Sleep, Wyoming

Call Washakie County Extension to register: 347-3431
Cost: $35 per person
The full schedule is available here. (link to pdf).
This event is sponsored by Washakie County Extension and Western SARE.


More about Alejandro Carrillo and the Las Damas Ranch

 The ranch is located in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, about 250 miles due south of El Paso, TX and consists of 30,00 total acres, of which 25,000 acres are grazable. It is managed by Alejandro Carrillo along with his father, wife, and daughters.

The 50-year average precipitation for the Las Damas Ranch has been 10 inches annually. However, the last three years have averaged about eight inches per year. For most ranches in the area (operating conventionally), 150 to over 200 acres are required to support a single cow and calf unit. There is a short 2-3 month rainy season starting sometime in late June or July and extending into September. That is followed by an extended dry season. Temperatures can reach 105 degrees F or higher in the summer months.


Have a Question?



Dan VanderPloeg

Extension Educator
Washakie County Office
(307) 347-3431


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