Cull Cow Marketing Calculator
by Dillon Feuz and Bridger Feuz
Price and Revenue Projections
Present Date
Present BCS of Cull Cows
Estimated Cow Weight
What is the present market price for /cwt
Estimated Value of Cull Cows if Sold today /head
Number of Day to be fed
Expected Average Daily Gain Note: can be negative
Expected Final Cow Weight
Expected Sale Date
Expected BCS of Cull Cows
Expected Market Price for a 
Estimated Value of Cull Cows if Sold at the end of the feeding period /head
Gross Feeding Margin
Feeding Period Costs
Feed Costs
Feed Costs
Feed Costs
Vet Costs
Interest Rate
Death Loss Percent
Total Feeding Period Costs
Net Return to Cull Cow Feeding Enterprise
A Cull Cow with a BCS of and weighing  lbs.
would be in the Market Class.
Your estimated price was / cwt. on
The cow would be worth
If you fed the cow for days at an average daily gain of  lbs.
the cow would weigh and have an expected BCS of
The estimated market price on would be
for a cull cow in the  market Class.
The Cull cow would then be worth
Your estimated feeding cost were
The projected Net Return to feeding is
Your total cost per pound of gain is
Your break-even selling price is